SZENARYO is about crafting a world rather than creating a piece. Each scene is represented in the fashion and the fashion pieces become part of the scene.
One does not exist without the other. Just like we need the world to exist.
That’s why creating with repurpose is not a “nice to have”, it’s a “must have”.
SZENARYO stands for: scenarios created by Yoshy (translated to German as “Szenario kreiert von Yoshy”). Yoshy is the creative mind behind the brand, fka Yasar.
The word “scenario” describes an envisioned scene, one that hasn’t yet happened—much like a sketch or an idea that hasn’t yet materialized.
It is the ongoing process of any creatives brain.
The brand began in 2020 as Szene Club in Vancouver, born from a collective vision. SZENARYO is the next chapter, a journey that invites you to different scenes all around the world.
Stay tuned for new drops twice a year— no spam, just fresh perspectives and new creations.